Explore the extent to
which female representations subvert stereotypes in certain video games with
particular reference to ‘The Walking Dead by Telltale Games’, ‘The Witcher 3’
and ‘Life is Strange’.
Ever since the first video game created in 1958 to video games in the
modern world today have changed drastically whether it’s the storyline or even
the characters to try and interest the public but has video games gone too far
by creating false stereotypes that has become reality today. It has been over 90 years since the first
motion film produced without sound and throughout the decades it has
drastically changed to make bigger profits to the audience whereas, video games
have only been around for 60 years and is making 4x as much money as films
created today. This can be seen in the article on 'The Guardian in 2008
"a British-produced game of GTA IV made over $310m which was more
successful than the film Spider-Man 3". This can all be referenced by
the video games; 'The Walking Dead by Telltale Games', 'Life is Strange' and
'The Witcher 3'.

Female representations can be subverted through the use of gender within
the media such as video games, as the large majority of video games are
developed by men. This can be shown in the book 'Thinking about video games,
interviews with the experts' by David S. Heineman which stated "The
vast majority of classic video games were designed by men, from a male
perspective, primarily for male audiences" In 2015. This can
affect the stereotypes in video games today as the creators/developers are
being biased by their own gender which can make the stereotypes of women
non-existent compared to the men. This
can be referenced within the game 'The Witcher 3' as the main character is a
male figure who is meant to be strong and a hero within the game, the wife in
the video game is sexualised which is suggested as a slut. This can express
that the representation of females is meant to become attractive to the male
figure to show happiness and achievement of a good long relationship.
In comparison, the use of gender within the video game 'Walking Dead by
Telltale games' can show that the main character in season 1 shows a strong
male criminal that looks after a mixed-race girl who becomes the protagonist of
the game. This can subvert the normal stereotype as the two main characters are
with a darker ethnicity which is different to other games and the girl in this
situation is represented more as a loveable character whereas, the enemies are
all white which subverts all types of stereotypes seen in the media today
especially with female characters. This can be backed up, with the quote
"They've mixed up gender stereotypes, played with power, tackled
intolerance and diversity issues throughout" on the telegraph 10th
December 2012.

Another extent of a female representation that can be shown
in 'The Witcher 3' where woman can be seen as damsels in distress. This can be
highlighted at the beginning of the story as the main protagonist (Geralt), has
to go and find Ciri who gets lost in the forest of Brokilon where she nearly
dies. This type of stereotype is seen in many different types of games but it
is very rare for the damsel in distress to be a male figure. This could be
backed up from the quote "for much of the game he pursues lost loves
both romantic and familial" on the telegraph 13th may 2015. For
example, another damsel in distress could be 'The Walking Dead', the main
character is 'Clem' a young female figure who gets a distress signal from a
young teenage boy in season one of the game, this boy is a from scouts and is
meant to be able to look after himself but gets lost and has to be rescued.
However, within the game the damsels in distresses are seen the other way
around through the use of different stereotypes. This can be seen within the quote “For
every character that initially conforms to a stereotype, there’s a moment where
you think you’ve got them sussed” on The Telegraph 10th December

Conventional stereotypes of independent girls can appear in both 'The
Walking Dead: Season 2' and 'Life is Strange'. In 'The Walking Dead' the main
protagonist is Clementine who is shown as a mature, kind and polite girl who is
brave enough to survive in a zombie living world, similar to this stereotype is
Maxine Caulfield who is the main protagonist that is quite ‘geeky’ and quiet
within 'Life is Strange' but doesn't need any help from anyone else. This can
be backed up by the videogames 'The Walking Dead by TellTale Games' - quote The Telegraph 2014 "when
Clem must stand her ground she is not afraid to brain a zombie with a claw
hammer or sink her teeth into the living". This can be shown within a key scene where
Clementine shows independence when she takes the lead to go out and survive on
her own looking after Alvin Jr who is a baby at the end of season 2. In
comparison to this, 'Life is Strange' can also show a scene of dependence is
when she finds her power to revert time to be able to change the future about a
certain death. However, in the video game 'The Witcher 3' the stereotypes of
woman are portrayed as people with rights or being able to be independent and
more objects for the men after their battles at work. This can be seen in the
introduction of the video game where Geralt (main protagonist) is at home with
his wife Yennefer who being the centre of attention by being sexual with slow
romantic non-diegetic music to him showing the different power levels between
men & woman.

Within 'The Witcher 3' woman are displayed to have
less-authority than men within this video game, this has been done to be able
to emphasises how much power and dominance Gerald has within this franchise. It
has made Gerald look muscular and tough so everyone will fear him when playing
as him as the main character whereas, it has made all the other female figures
such as Ciri look weak and humble. This can be shown in the opening scene of
'The Witcher 3' as Ciri is jumping around on ropes and becoming more flexible
but when Gerald enters the scene she gets told off and has to do some studying
rather than going out to battle. However, this is not shown in 'The Walking
Dead' video game as everyone is seen equality, this is shown in season 2 where
'Clem' takes lead on the situation and has a big role in deciding what happens
and where to go next. Finally, the video game 'Life is Strange' has broken this
stereotype completely as it has subverted the stereotypes of females, this can
be backed up through the article on 'The Gaudian "Games with female
protagonists will not sell". This was stated to the
creators/directors of the video games Life is Strange when they pitched it to
major publishers to sell the game and it turns out that not only did it subvert
the stereotypes of gender within the game but it also showed the media of how
stereotypes can be subverted successfully through the use of authority and
gender within their video game.
Overall the extent of female stereotypes subverted in
certain video games has gone too far. However, these types of stereotypes
gather the audience to want to play these games due to these stereotypes such
as woman becoming objects so male players are able to enjoy the game or woman
becoming damsel in distress characters, which can imply that the male figure is
more dominant in the video games today. However, there is another idea that the
female stereotypes are slowly dying in today's video games as most games now
have each character male or female to be treated equal and that nobody has more
power and dominance except the protagonist and the antagonist within the
certain video game.
Make sure to re-read your work for spelling and grammar mistakes since there's a considerable amount. Also address the counter-argument, for example the female characters in The Witcher 3 are also quite strong such as Ciri's swordsmanship or Yennefer's magic. Finally check for false facts such as Clementine didn't receive a distress signal from that character, nor did he get lost, but he did have to be rescued.