Thursday 1 February 2018

Media Coursework Evaluation

When creating my final production, I first researched on what all the different video games that exists have portrayed how woman look within the video game scene. With my research I started by creating a suitable title that is able to try and subvert these stereotypes and creating a cartoon main character using a filter tool within Photoshop. This main character had to be wearing correct clothing when taking the image as my research shows that the majority of woman within video-games are shown as objects so I've decided to subvert this and make my game unique. 
My main inspiration was from the video game 'The Witcher 3' which made me have a deeper understanding of the medieval times which is what I based this game around. I also implemented elements from 'The Walking Dead' video game which gave me the idea of how the character Clementine has been portrayed as kind but roofless independent woman which appealed to me.  

Once I created the main image I decided to add the flame and using the colour tools within Photoshop which gave me the idea to make background colour orange to represent the western theme such as a wanted poster to add texture to the image.  This was easily added but I had trouble as the background seemed too plane so I added a brush tool to smooth out the edge of the poster which refers back to a poster I looked at of 'Tomb Raider' which was inside a cave. 

I chose to stick with PSas my output source as I was able to find the dimensions of the case online which helped and I could use other organisations such as 'Ubisoft' as it is created a fourth wall to attract my audience since the organisation is already known through the gaming community.   
My DVD cover that I have created is able to relate back to my research investigation through the use of the main image. I had to create an image that was unique and represented the videogame. I chose to add a rain effect on my main image to add an effect to make it more appealing to my target audience which is 16+.  
My challenges that I faced when creating this was to find a correct background image as it was difficult fit with my medieval theme and to relate back to my research investigation on subverting woman in video games. This made me have to decide to show dominance with a strong fully clothed woman who can survive and may even look scary. Another main issue I had with my background images was to make it more cartoonized to make it suit the video game genre. This has set me back a bit when I created the original image as the background looked to realistic so I had to add a filter to make it become more animated rather than realistic. 

In conclusion I am satisfied with what I have created for my poster however, my DVD cover could be better by the use of having the background images on the back by making it look more animated rather than realistic. Overall, I like my idea and how I have attempted to look back on my research investigation and to also get ideas of the internet of other PS4 posters such as Farcry4 and Tomb Raider. I also looked at other DVD covers by PS4 to understand and get motivation on the layout and what crazy ideas they have done to make it appealing to their audience. 

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